Welcome to the Age of the Predator-in-Chief

The policies of Donald Trump are, by any realistic standard, absolutely repulsive.  It doesn’t matter what segment of America’s existence in this world you’re talking about, the bottom line is that any policy or procedure that originates in the executive branch of our federal government under the Trump Administration is toxic, repulsive, and a threat to the very fabric of the American republic and nation.

Beyond all of that, the absolute worst part of this tweeted theater of the absurd in which we find ourselves is that we now have a predator sitting in the White House trying to navigate this country through the white-capped waters of a troubled and dangerous world.  Donald Trump is a man who has spent his entire life serving no one but himself, and who has no compassion for anyone…anyone, not even, I would be willing to bet, his children.

Predators are strange creatures: they nourish themselves solely through the killing of other creatures.  They also feel a very strange sort of camaraderie with each other that apparently arises out of a dual sense of both commonality of purpose and the knowledge that they are each ready to pounce on one another at a moment’s notice.  The moment one predator shows just a hint of weakness, the other predators exploit that weakness and dispose of the ‘weak link’ in their predatory chain.  Strangely enough, the predator who shows weakness and realizes that its time is short, seems to welcome the fate that awaits it at the hands of its fellow predators.  It is an acceptance of the cost of living by the sword.

Don’t mistake my meaning here, I’m not saying that Donald Trump is a sexual predator…No, wait, yes I am.  Donald Trump is a sexual predator who has committed and, as far as the evidence shows, continues to commit acts against women that any decent human being would find absolutely felonious.  From his sick voyeurism and groping of young ‘beauty’ contestants to his outright belief that he has the right to “grab ’em by the pussy,” Donald Trump is, by any reasonable set of criteria, a sexual predator.

The worst manifestation of his sexual depravity is the revelation, delivered to a radio host from his own lips that if his daughter, Ivanka, was not his daughter, he would grab her by the pussy at his first opportunity.  I do not envy Ivanka Trump when she’s in the presence of her father; imagine having to look at a man with some sort of love in your eyes after learning that this is his attitude toward you.

His illicit and continuing sexual affairs, while trudging through multiple marriages, should be enough testimony to this predatory lifestyle to preclude him from being allowed to serve as president of the United States, but apparently, it is not.  His personal magnetism was enough, in 2016, to fool almost the entire population of non-college educated white males (and many of their baby-mommas) into voting for him.

This is not surprising, because this particular segment of the electorate feels, as a result of their own actions, slighted by the ‘elites who run everything,’ and Donald Trump is their vulgar comrade whom they worship.  He proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that having money does not equate to having any class at all.  He is as vulgar and ignorant as they are, yet is very wealthy (or claims to be, anyway).  They love him for this: he is their “White Trash in the White House.”

After all, those who will never be in management adore the one who is able to look another person in the eyes with a coldness which belies a complete lack of compassion for anyone and say “you’re fired.”  This is especially true of the non-college educated, non GED sporting cadres of white males who form a large segment of Trump’s base.  They are, after all, the second most ‘fired’ group anywhere; trailing only African-American males, who are only fired more because of the racist nature of the American social dung-heap.

By 2020 these new soldiers of the Confederacy may realize that all he wanted to do (if he even wanted to be president at all, which is in doubt) was to grab them by their collective pussy.  Welcome to the age of the Predator-in-Chief.

So, yes, I’m saying that Donald Trump is a sexual predator, but not a financial, or business predator…no, wait, yes I am.  Donald Trump is a business predator. You may be thinking: “That’s okay, business is business,” but no, that’s not okay.

Successful and conscientious business people (a.k.a. decent human beings) do not find themselves the defendant in literally hundreds of civil lawsuits arising out of how they conduct business.  The anecdotal evidence against Mr. Trump’s predatory business ethics are so numerous that reviewing them would make a lengthy book.  From refusing to pay contractors for work completed well and on schedule, to paying immigrant workers wages so low that they have to sneak into makeshift, on-site sleeping quarters at Trump construction sites, believe me, Mr. Trump’s business practices are well documented in the courts.

However, all of this is okay, because Donald Trump is a good businessman.  Whoops, no, he’s not.  I know one of the most fervent apologists for Donald Trump you could ever want to meet, and this man said, in a conversation regarding Mr. Trump’s numerous bankruptcy filings, that this proves what a good businessman he is; he knows how to use the system.

My reply was that yes, there are protections in place that allow people who fail in business to protect their families and personal possessions from their poor business practices.  However, good business people rarely have to make use of this system, and those who do, will generally only have to use it once.  Any person who files for bankruptcy no fewer than six times (as has Mr. Trump) is not a good businessman.

So, yes, Donald Trump is a sexual predator and a business predator, but at least he’s not a predator in his personal life.  No, wait, I think he is.

Donald Trump is a sexual, financial, and personal life predator.  This third category is why he doesn’t really have any friends.  He has many acquaintances; his wealth and active social and television life make that unavoidable.  However, anyone would be hard pressed to find another person who would honestly say that they’re a good friend of Donald Trump, at least not in the manner that humans generally use the term “good friend.”  Rudy Giuliani might, but he’s insane.

There is no one on this planet who goes out of their way to spend quality time with Donald Trump, because time with Donald Trump is the antithesis of ‘quality time.’  Perhaps that is why he is so desperate to be liked so much.  He has no friends because he is a predator, and predators do not have friends.  The very concept of a ‘friend;’ someone with whom your life is intertwined in a loving and respectful manner is completely foreign to the predator psyche.

Perhaps this is also why he tweets his anger, hatred, and loneliness to an anonymous world of people he hopes love him.  Perhaps this is why his wife does not live with him and largely refuses to allow Mr. Trump any opportunity to influence the life of her son by him, Baron.

Donald Trump is a predator in every aspect of life.  The question we must ask ourselves is whether or not we want this to be what America is, because as long as he sits in the White House this is what America is.

America has lost its way as an imperial power enough already over the last sixty-five years that we do not need a man like this sitting in the White House any longer than is absolutely necessary.  One day was too long, but now we must make certain that we do not suffer any more than a full four years of this vulgar, predatory rule, nor his cowardly enablers in the republican party.


Peace and Love to all,
